It is time to let the people experience climate change for themselves
— Robert Fox, Founder Biosphere VR
Biosphere VR at Charlottenborg Museum of Art, at Copenhagen Dox Filmfestival.

Biosphere VR at Charlottenborg Museum of Art, at Copenhagen Dox Filmfestival.

Welcome to the home of Biosphere VR


Biosphere is an initiative that creates personal experiences of climate change around the World with the help of the newest VR technology.  

You will put a VR headset on and will be approaching The Blue Planet. You want to know about how nature has effected individuals life on Earth.

You will connect with one person in one hotspot and experience his or her challenges dealing with a disrupt nature.

Now it is the up to you to use your first hand experience wisely


To be used ......

  • in education  as virtual field trips to inspire collective learning.
  • at conferences for a joint dicussions
  • at environmental meetings to set the common ground
  • By NGOs
  • By States and governments who want to put focus on specific environmental issues.




Presentation at the World Bank / Fiji stand at COP-23 in Bonn 

Presentation at the World Bank / Fiji stand at COP-23 in Bonn


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The mist over Beijing

A story of an old doctor who becomes part of the exploding statistics of people who catches lung cancer. His research shows that it is the type of lung cancer that is NOT connected to smoking cigarettes. Could the reason be the alarming amount of smog in the air? His Son helps purify his air and his wife relieves his pain with acupuncture. Now he can only work for a better future for his son.

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the green desert

In Jordan a company has managed to reverse the desertification proces and grow fresh vegetables in the desert. Inspiring for many countries where the deserts are expanding because of climate change.


Skiing without snow

The longest ski run in Chamonix France has turned into a a dangerous experience because of global warming. Hidden crevasses are everywhere and mountain sides fall down. A ski teacher sets you on a journey down the slopes. 

Climing Kilimanjaro

Can you climb the Kilimanjaro before the ice caps disapear?

Forrest fires

You are standing at the edge of a raging forest fire and watching how quickly the flames spread between the desiccated trees. Scientists working with the Global Forest Watch have collected 400,000 satellite images of Earth’s surface, and their conclusion is that the world has lost 18 million hectares of forest in 2013, with Russia losing the most trees. Currently, the frequency of fire is higher than it has been in the last 10,000 years. Will you be able to do something about it?

Melting ice

You are standing close to the edge as collapsing sheets of Arctic ice, and you hear the howling fury as they fall into the sea. The melting of Arctic ice has caused a geopolitical race between Russia, Norway, the United States, Canada and Denmark to take advantage of the raw materials that will become available when the ice disappears. When the Northwest Passage becomes a viable transportation option, even more income may potentially be at stake. Who gets what, when?

White corals

Not all the CO2 that we release contributes to global warming. The oceans absorb more than a third of CO2 that has been released since the industrial revolution. Dive below the surface of the sea and experience the consequences. The great coral reefs, home to untold volumes of life, play an integral role in the health of our planet but are losing their colour. Scuba dive amongst bleached and dying reefs and think about what can be done to minimize the effects of climate change. 

Dalai Lamas Platau

You will experience VR sequences from the Tibetan plateau. Seventy percent of the plateau is covered year round by a thick layer of ice, also known as permafrost, in which huge stocks of methane and CO2 have accumulated. Scientists say that the glacier is melting and that the methane being released is 30 times as powerful as CO2 when it comes to triggering the greenhouse effect. 


Biosphere VR caters to schools and television/online viewers who are interested in a wide variety of nature and science programming; it offers more than simple viewing, and is a way to experience our planet and understand the important topics surrounding climate change in a new way. Because of the immersiveness you will feel as you are there. It is not another film on climate change, but rather a fied trip so you can go to the places where it is happening and feel the change. Futher more you get close to a person who experiences the change.

Biosphere VR has the potential to capture new viewers/users who might not find traditional nature/science programming compelling—the younger generation. We plan to introduce elements of interaction into the films as well.



When the program starts and the VR head set is put on, the journey across the planet can begin. As you start you will slowly glide through the Universe until you see planet Earth evolving. By looking at the planet you can choose a hemisphere, and process that will occur in an animation in front of your eyes. Here, small lights will appear as hot zones. By pressing them you will enter the specific experience of the selected country. In a teaching environment, the instructor can act as guide of the places you will visit. In a more traditional viewing experience, a narrator will prepare you for the journey. 

The experience (time in VR) in each country will last approximately 5–10 minutes and will mainly consist of a portrit of a witness to climate change. You will become this person who talks! You are the central character in the VR experience, but you are taking a real person’s role, a person who has had a very concrete experience of climate change and who is doing something to address it. You will hear this person’s voice as a commentary of what you see in each scene.  Once you have completed the episode on one specific region, you will be transported up into space again, where you can again consider the Earth as a whole. With this perspective, you can teleport yourself to a new country and a new experience.


cross media presentations

It is our vision to present the experiences at exhibitions where people can enter into different parts and have first hand experiences of the people living here. The experiences will be presented with a photo exhibition and possible exhibition of objects that is connected to each experience.


As part of our eduXperience concept we will make hands-on teaching materials for this series. Materials that make the student combine theory and experience and come up with joint creative solutions to problems formulated.


Another example. MIST OVER BEIJING. Please move curser around

Biosphere VR

Fox Media Documentaries ApS