WINTER OF CHANGE is part of an EU-funded innovative teaching initiative. Read more below.

"Winter of Change" is an immersive VR film that takes viewers on a captivating journey into the life of Karen-Ann, a 26-year-old Sami woman from the indigenous Sami community, the last remaining indigenous people in Europe. The film combines stunning visuals, immersive virtual reality technology, and ambisonic sound to transport the audience into the frozen landscapes of northern Europe.

Karen-Ann's life has been intricately tied to the herding of reindeer, a tradition passed down through generations in her family. However, a sudden and drastic shift in temperatures during the winter causes the snow to be covered in treacherous layers of ice, making it impossible for the reindeer to find food. Distraught and desperate, the reindeer instinctively ran south, leaving the Sami community in distress.

Realizing the dire situation and the impact it would have on their livelihood, Karen-Ann's family takes a courageous step. They decide to take matters into their own hands and feed the reindeer themselves, deviating from their traditional ways. Fearful that the reindeer may lose their natural instincts, they embark on a remarkable journey to nurse the animals back to health.

Karen-Ann becomes the guiding force behind this risky endeavour. She experiments with human medicine, whispering words of comfort and healing to the reindeer, forging a deep connection with them. As days turn into weeks and weeks into months, the family's efforts gradually pay off. The reindeer start to recover and regain their strength, garnering recognition from their fellow community members.

The reindeer got extra distressed this winter because of climate change.